This program GREATLY reduces the drawing time involved in making Sprite Fight 2002 sprite characters! You need draw only the right-hand facing animation frames, and then use this program to automatically create the left-hand facing frames and all the mask frames for you! Here is how it works:
1) Add all the Right-Facing animation frames (PICT resources) to a QuickTime movie file. The movie file used will be the Sprite's victory movie when finished. Make sure that the PICT resources are numbered correcty! Registered users, refer to your registration reply for detailed PICT resource numbering scheme. Or, just look at the sample file provided. REMEMBER THAT ALL PICTs MUST BE 128x128 PIXELS! Also note that ONLY NON-WHITE PIXELS GET MASKED! If you want part of your sprite to appear white, make it a very light gray instead, otherwise it won't be masked and will appear to be transparent.
2) Save your changes and close the Sprite Character file after adding all Right-Facing PICT frames.
4) Start the Sprite Fight 2002 Flip 'n Mask application.
5) Open the Sprite Character file that you want to "flip 'n mask".
6) Go eat a snack or take a bathroom break while the program does its thing.
7) If you get a bad error message, trash that was being worked on. Figure out what went wrong (most likely, you forgot to add a required PICT resource - if so, the error alert will display the missing PICT resource's ID number in the alert for you). Go back to step 3 after you determine what went wrong and fix it.
8) If you get a message that says, "Ha! No errors!" then everything went OK! You are done with the animation graphics!
Experiment with the included Partial Sprite file to see the program work. REMEMBER TO ALWAYS WORK ON A COPY IN CASE SOMETHING GOES WRONG!
Programmers: I included the C source code if you're interested. It ain't pretty, but it works.
NOTE: Since this is a free program, I am providing absolutely no support for it whatsoever. It works great assuming you do things right. Otherwise, expect trouble.